Title: Treasure Hunt 14+

Authors: Karl von Martius, 1817 and Carol Miranda Chor, 2017

Grade Levels/Ages: grades 9-12

Subject Areas: Ecology,Rainforest,Habitats,Earth History,Earth Day,Earth Science

Standards: Supplemental Resource materials

Short Description:  

When the explorers visited the rainforest in 1817, there were no cameras to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. Cameras hadn’t even been invented yet ! In those days it was important to practice drawing and painting, so travelers could remember and pass along what they had seen. Searching the Expedition Etchings will raise your Eco awareness. If a picture is worth a thousand words, think what these thousands of images will teach you !

Treasure Hunt is a challenge for students to navigate the Expedition Etchings to search for the jaguar, the giant trees, the giant rivers, the lavender sky, etc. Open the Expedition Etchings section to begin your search.