Title: Plant Stalkers 14+

Authors: Karl von Martius 1840 and Carol Miranda Chor, 2017

Grade Levels/Ages: 14+

Subject Areas: Plants,Ecology,Natural Science,Earth Science,Earth Day

Standards: Supplemental Resource material

Short Description:  

The rainforest explorers launched their expeditions in order to collect plants and animals. They made detailed scientific drawings and classified the plants and animals according to their families and species. These families and species were given strange Latin names to describe them. Here's the challenge : unmask these mysterious strangers. Like, what in the world is a Musa paradisiaca, or a Cucurbita lagenaria ?

Today, you will choose your favorites from fruit, vegetable and ornamental plant lists. Unmask their true identity by searching the online plant guide to find common names, habitat, size, color, etc. Then complete the worksheet.